Social Spanish Course: Beginner Level 4


  • Weekly lessons: classroom-based lessons combined with social, practical lessons outside the classroom to learn and apply your skills;

  • free access to our phone app for daily practice between lessons;

  • free access to our online platform for daily access messaging;

  • feedback and attention from teacher in every lesson;

  • weekly home learning tasks and optional extra activities;

  • catch-up tasks if you miss a lesson;

  • the Stripey Spanish Passport: a unique self-assessment and reference tool to keep you aware of your progress.

Unit 1: Travel highlights and salsa dancing workshop*

Cuban salsa dance class

We'll explore rhythms and culture through a fun dance lesson designed to get you using your body and your Spanish!

By the end of this unit you should be able to:

  • Use simple past tense and near future to describe events in the past.

  • Use dates and times to make travel plans.

  • Ask questions regarding routes and booking accommodation.

  • Give a range of opinions and views about a dance lesson.

Unit 2:  Theatre topic and workshop*

Acting workshop

Explore a rich Spanish text practising pronunciation and enjoy drama games to develop your spontaneity and fluency in this fun acting workshop. 

By the end of this unit you should be able to:

  • Give a range of opinions and views about a theatre workshop.

  • Describe impact, characters and plotline of a play text.

  • Form questions about the past.

    *Immersive classes are subject to change at teacher discretion.

    Got questions? Read our FAQs or contact the team. 

By the end of Elementary Level 4 you should be able to:

  • Use simple past tense and near future to describe events in the past.

  • Use dates and times to make travel plans.

  • Ask questions regarding routes and booking accommodation.

  • Form questions about the past.

  • Give a range of opinions and views about a dance lesson.

  • Describe impact, characters and plotline of a theatre performance.

    Enrol now

    Want in? Email to be notified of enrolments open.

Now enrolling - Autumn 2025 classes, Tuesdays* 7.45-9.15pm, CAMDEN, Tuesday 30 SEptember – Tuesday 9 December (10 WEEKS).

*Except one event takes place on one Thursday.

Programme dates breakdown:

Travelling Latin America and Cuban salsa dance class*

Tuesday 30 September and 7, 14, 21 October 7.45-9.15pm and immersive salsa dance class Thursday 30 October 7-9pm (5 weeks).

Break no class 3-7 November

Theatre topics and acting class

Tuesday 11, 18, 25 November and 2 December 7.45-9.15pm and immersive acting class Tuesday 9 December 7-9pm (5 weeks).

Event costs ALL INCLUDED in cost.

Enrol now below

Earlybird offer: £25 off Autumn Social Spanish classes when you enrol by Sunday 3 August with code ‘EARLYBIRDAUTUMN’ at checkout. Cost £315.

Level 4 autumn In Person FULL course

Thomas studying edited.jpg